[open-science] tools relevant to scientific communication Re: software to extract text

Daniel Lombraña González teleyinex at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 07:05:16 UTC 2013


One cool project is WriteLatex: an online collaborative LaTeX editor with
integrated rapid preview. You can check it here: https://www.writelatex.com/



On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:02 PM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am starting a new thread so that I don't derail Donal's thread.
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Christian Pietsch <
> chr.pietsch+okfn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Donat,
>> [...]
>> These and other tools relevant to scientific communication are listed
>> here: http://www.force11.org/tools
> Under authoring tools I can recommend etherpad. It's like googledocs, but
> better in ways. Mozilla and other places run pads, or you can run your own.
> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/
> There is also an htmlpad, http://htmlpad.org/
> I also just found out about prose.io which works with github.com, which
> means you can ask friends who are not familiar with git and github.com to
> edit files with you as though they were wiki pages until they become more
> comfortable with git and the file system, or not.
> --
> sheila
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Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.
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