[open-science] Call for Stories -- How can open *research* data lead to better research (data)?

Kenall, Amye, BioMed Central Ltd. Amye.Kenall at biomedcentral.com
Wed Sep 4 18:24:15 UTC 2013

Call for Stories

How can open research data lead to better research (data)?


Following the OKF and Jonathan Gray's open data stories initiative (http://bit.ly/opendata-betterdata), we're looking for stories on how open research data has made research/research data better. We're collecting stories/examples of how open data (CC0) can lead to better data and better research in this Google Doc (http://tiny.cc/4c2v2w).

Everyone knows about transparency, accountability, reusability, etc. Great concepts, but let's get some stories down that we can use to really inspire researchers to start sharing their data! If you know of more stories to add, please email amye.kenall at biomedcentral.com<mailto:amye.kenall at biomedcentral.com> or tweet @LouWoodley<https://twitter.com/search?q=%40LouWoodley&src=typd&mode=users> or @AmyeKenall<https://twitter.com/AmyeKenall>.

Please forward/share as much as possible!

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