[open-science] [Open-access] CC-BY

Mr. Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 21:25:41 UTC 2013

Thanks for bringing that up Ignasi. That is one of the well known reasons why NC is not advised if one intends the work to be really open. Inability to legally mix NC with SA is a big barrier. Which is why BY or BY-SA are the best licenses.

On Sep 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Ignasi Labastida i Juan <ilabastida at ub.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> An interesting opposite point of view can be found here:
> Free Knowledge based on Creative Commons Licenses. Consequences, risks and
> side-effects of the license module 'non-commercial use only – NC'
> http://www.vlaamse-erfgoedbibliotheek.be/en/node/2725
> Best
> Ignasi
> 2013/9/3 Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk>
>> I have had in-depth discussions with both Heather Morrison and Rosie
>> Redfield. I think they misinterpret what CC-BY allows and what CC-NC
>> prevents. In science, at least, we have used CC-BY for 10 years with no
>> problems. The only real effect , in science, for CC-NC - is that it allows
>> the publisher (not the author) to make additional money from reselling
>> rights to the article. Thus a CC-NC for an Elsevier article does not forbid
>> commercial re-use- it simply means that re-users have to pay Elsevier an
>> additional and lucrative tax. CC-NC in science is about ibcreasing
>> publisher income, not about restricting re-use.
>> In A+H the current ethos is that authors sell their books.  CC-NC may
>> have a bearing on this, though it will depend on the exact details of
>> copyright and the publisher. In general CC-NC controls who can make money.
>> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Klaus Graf <klausgraf at googlemail.com>wrote:
>>>  I cannot see the NSA context of CC-BY, sorry.
>>> There was no copyright in the middle ages and a lot of fruitful
>>> plagiarism. May I remember to my thoughts at
>>> http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/vol1/iss1/5/
>>> CC-BY-ND blocks translations and other derivative works.
>>> CC-BY-NC blocks scholarly use in commercial context e.g. use in the most
>>> (commercial) e-journals.
>>> Klaus Graf
>>> 2013/9/3 Heather Morrison <Heather.Morrison at uottawa.ca>
>>>> This argument appears to reflect a position of technological determinism
>>>> which I reject - the idea that we are helpless to do anything but adapt to
>>>> advancing technology. The key problem with this argument is that it is we
>>>> humans that create the technology, and we have the ability to shape it.
>>>> Another example of this kind of argument that people are thankfully
>>>> beginning to question, is the idea that now that we have the internet it is
>>>> ridiculous to think that there is any notion of privacy and the
>>>> accompanying idea that society both can and does accept this.
>>>> Snowden's revelations of NSA surveillance are such a good illustration
>>>> of the dangers of this loss of privacy that people are beginning to take
>>>> notice and say that yes, we do want privacy in the online environment.
>>>> Humans are not helpless with respect to this technology; we created it, and
>>>> we can shape it future.
>>>> This perspective is essential to the work of advocates for open access,
>>>> open science, a free and open internet. We work for this (I think) because
>>>> we perceive this as a desirable potential of the internet, and we do not
>>>> believe that this potential will be achieved by sitting back and watching
>>>> the technology unfold, but rather because we think action is both necessary
>>>> and desirable.
>>>> If you're interested in the social shaping of technology, you might want
>>>> to read some of Andrew Feenberg, e.g. Questioning Technology or
>>>> Transforming Technology.
>>>> ~ my two bits ~ thoughts?
>>>> Heather Morrison
>>>> On 2013-09-03, at 10:48 AM, Luke Winslow wrote:
>>>>> This kind of thing has been happening for a while. It is a natural
>>>> consequence of open licenses. Wikipedia has been re-packaged and sold many
>>>> times. While I can't find an example, popular open source software has
>>>> fallen prey from time to time, being repackaged and sold to uninformed
>>>> consumers who don't realize there are cost-free versions available.
>>>>> I would argue this new world requires more of the consumer. Be savvy.
>>>> Do a little google research. There's no going back to simpler times, the
>>>> complexity is here to stay.
>>>>> -Luke
>>>>> On 2013-09-03 9:08 AM, Klaus Graf wrote:
>>>> http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2013/08/31/troubling-open-access-cc-by/
>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>> Klaus Graf
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>>>>  Dr. Heather Morrison
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>> Peter Murray-Rust
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