[open-science] Open Science Wiki Workshop

Pierre-Carl Langlais pierrecarl.langlais at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 10:41:34 UTC 2013


The Open Science Wiki workshop is taking a good shape. You can find  
here the presentation page on Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Workshop/Open_Science_Workshop_%28Geneva%29

The main aim is to « map » the open science movement, both on a  
semantic (what does it mean?) and social (who does it?) viewpoint.

To achieve this target, the workshop comprises several platform:
*The P2P Foundation wiki.
*The English Wikipedia.
*The French Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Atelier_Science_ouverte
*Twitter with a devoted hashtag, #OpenScienceWiki.

I've created a header in order to switch easily from one to another  
platform. They are mostly complementary.

We can do on the P2P Foundation wiki a lot of thing that would not be  
conceivable on Wikipedia, such as recording open science projects  
regardless of their notability. Yet, the more academic process of  
Wikipedia contribution ensures a solid state of the art of open  
science definitions and features. I have for instance initiated a page  
to indicate all the major references and work on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Workshop/Open_Science_Workshop_%28Geneva%29/References

The workshop is open to everyone curious about open science. That  
probably includes you. We are hoping for a good deal of external  

Pierre-Carl Langlais a.k.a Alexander Doria

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