[open-science] New release of COCI: 450M open citations available\

Silvio Peroni silvio.peroni at unibo.it
Tue Nov 20 14:43:49 UTC 2018

Dear all,

We at OpenCitations (http://opencitations.net) are proud to announce the new release of COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI references, all released as CC0 material. 

COCI is our first OpenCitations Index of open citations, in which we have applied the concept of citations as first-class data entities to index the contents of one of the major databases of open scholarly citation information, namely Crossref, and to render and make available this information in machine-readable RDF.

The new release of COCI, the second, now contains 

	449,840,503 citation links, between 
	46,534,705 bibliographic resources.

This represents an increase of 42% in the number of indexed citations, compared with the initial release of COCI on 4th June 2018. In addition, the data model for COCI has now been extended so as to state directly the presence of journal self-citations and author self-citations.

All the data in COCI:
- can be queried by means of the COCI SPARQL endpoint;
- can be retrieved by using the COCI REST API;
- can be searched by using the COCI Search Interface;
- are available as dumps on Figshare in CSV and N-Triples while the whole triplestore is available on The Internet Archive.

Additional information are available at


Please do not hesitate to contact us for any clarification about COCI and related services.

Have a nice day :-)


Silvio Peroni, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies
University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
Director, OpenCitations
Figshare Ambassador
E-mail: silvio.peroni at unibo.it
Encrypted: essepuntato at pm.me
Web: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/silvio.peroni/en
Twitter: @essepuntato

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