[Open-transport] Working group website?

Laura Newman laura.newman at okfn.org
Wed Mar 7 15:02:07 UTC 2012

Hello Open Transport folk,

I was wondering whether you would like a website/blog for the Open
Transport working group?

It's not essential, but many working groups find it useful to have a public
facing page where they can post things like blogs/useful links/FAQs. It
might be especially useful if you do choose to do something at OKFest.

If you would like, I can set up the site and deploy the main OKFN theme.
You can then add content and improve to make it your own.

For examples of how other working group sites function, see e.g.
Open Science: http://science.okfn.org/;
Open Economics: http://openeconomics.net/
Open Government: http://opengovernmentdata.org/

It's entirely up to you whether you choose to have a site - but let me know
if you would like any assistance!

All the best,

Laura Newman
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lauranewmanonskype
Twitter: @Newmanlk
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