[Open-transport] public transport open data and software in France

"GENDRE Pat - CETE Méditerr./DCEDI/DERIS/MIM" Pat.Gendre at developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Thu Jan 10 13:08:50 UTC 2013

Hello everybody
I am working for the French ministry of transport and recently 
subscribed to the Open Transport (when I learnt that OKFN opened an 
office in Paris).
You mentioned that you intend to include French data in your 
http://opentripplanner.eu journey planner and that Rennes could be the 
only city with GTFS data available.
It might be useful for you to know that we maintain a very crude list of 
open data PT networks in France here :
The ministry also maintains open source software available at 
www.chouette.com and on github :
- a web server for validating, editing and exchanging public transport 
data (called CHOUETTE) in conformance with the French standard profile 
Neptune (similar to Transxchange) which can also make conversion to/from 
GTFS and work currently on Netex
- a SIRI server (called IRYS)

Also, we maintain a directory of travel information services which is 
open data and can be reused e.g. for info portals or and other applications.
It is described here (in French) : 
We try on add open data sources here as well : 
For the moment the "production" version is still a more limited version 
http://www.passim.info but we intend to upgrade in 2013.

If interested please contact me or ask the support at the 
www.chouette.mobi site. I travel to Paris from time to time and it will 
be a pleasure to meet some of you at OKFN or elsewhere, if there is an 
opportunity to do so.
Best regards,
Patrick GENDRE
Trafic & Information Multimodale
Aix-en-Provence FR
(+33) (0)4 4224 7687

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