[Open-transport] Open Data Public Transport List?

Stefan Kaufmann transit at shutterworks.org
Wed Jul 24 13:33:29 UTC 2013

On 24.07.2013 14:50, Patrick Wolowicz wrote:

> There's documentation on their coordinate system as well as the MDV API on the official page to Linz Data (German):
> http://data.linz.gv.at/daten/LinzAGLinien/index.html?ckan_name=elektronische-fahrplanauskunft-der-linz-ag-linien (pdf links on that page)

Thanks, the documentation from Linz has proven very helpful the past 
years. Almost all transit agencies in Baden-Wuerttemberg use EFA, so our 
own hacks depend on the EFA API, too – see for instance <http://h.fs-et.de>

> Not sure if you're aware but there are parameters you can send along with your queries to get MDV to accept and answer in WGS84 and so completely bypass using their coordinate system. If you need more info on this I can dig around in my "Wann" source code for details.

Yep, but my problem is a different one – I'm currently looking at the 
DIVA2DIVA format used by DIVA (which in turn feeds EFA at some point), 
and the internal coordinate system can't be bypassed that way ;)


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