[Open-transport] Transit tracker for worldwide GTFS feed

Uli Müller | geOps uli.mueller at geops.de
Tue Nov 4 15:23:14 UTC 2014

Hi Thomas

You are right, we now show largely complete transit data of Germany. The 
data are from an "official" however not open source. They have been 
provided by DB for research projects at the University of Freiburg and 
we are allowed to use them for TRAVIC.

Best regards
Uli Müller

Am 02.11.2014 um 14:01 schrieb Thomas:
> Hi,
> I noticed there is a lot of German data on the map suddenly including 
> DB trains, is this an open and official source?
> Kind regards,
> Thomas Koch
> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Uli Müller | geOps 
> <uli.mueller at geops.de <mailto:uli.mueller at geops.de>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     We would like to point to a new web application that visualizes public
>     transit movements from currently more than 70 GTFS feeds from all over
>     the world.
>     http://tracker.geops.ch
>     This tracker is heavily optimized in order to allow maximum data
>     throughput and performance. As you will easily realize the movement of
>     each vehicle is very smooth. The efficiency of server and client
>     allows
>     to optionally speed up the visualization by many factors. In the
>     current
>     implementation you may run the visualizaton 6o times faster than
>     real-time what will give you a nice impression of the patterns
>     within a
>     schedule. Please note that all feeds get loaded at once, so there
>     is no
>     manual or explicitly coded switch from one feed to the other. The
>     visibilty of single vehicles only depends on the visible map
>     extent and
>     the scale of the map. With this approach the tracker has the potential
>     to aggregate GTFS feeds for really large areas and serve as a planning
>     tool across the borders of individual transport agencies.
>     Real-time data
>     is used where available (currently, there is real-time data for San
>     Francisco and the Netherlands).
>     The tracker is based on TrajServ and TraVIC, open-source server and
>     client components that have been developed by Patrick Brosi as his
>     Master Thesis. We are happy to have Patrick in our team now.
>     We hope you have fun with the tracker and appreciate any feedback.
>     Best regards
>     Uli Müller
>     --
>     web www.geops.ch <http://www.geops.ch>
>     rss www.geops.ch/blog/feed <http://www.geops.ch/blog/feed>
>     follow www.twitter.com/geops <http://www.twitter.com/geops>
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