[Open-transport] API for Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr schedules

Markus Windegger windegger at sasabz.it
Mon Feb 29 17:57:27 UTC 2016

Hello list,

the Deutsche Bahn published 2 mins agou a converter for gtfs:


Happy Hacking


Von: open-transport <open-transport-bounces at lists.okfn.org> im Auftrag von Pieter Colpaert <pieter.colpaert at okfn.org>
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Februar 2016 11:09
An: Christian Helbling; open-transport at lists.okfn.org
Betreff: Re: [Open-transport] API for Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr schedules


Op ma 29 feb. 2016 11:01 schreef Christian Helbling <helbling at search.ch<mailto:helbling at search.ch>>:
On 28.02.2016 18:22, Pieter Colpaert wrote:
> [..]
> General idea for the open transport mailing list: should we create a list of things we expect from open transport publishers? E.g., we can all agree we want GTFS in the first place, in the second we want a good GTFS (with optional files such as shapes.txt included), then we also want a GTFS-RT. Anything else?

I would agree that we need the raw data first.
Whether we have that in GTFS or any other text-based format wouldn't matter much.

If it's easier for them to publish HAFAS raw format, they should.
It's main file is very good to read by both computer and human by the way.
I'm sure that after a few days we have written a GTFS converter.
It's not clear that they provide Google with GTFS.

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Markus Windegger
IT Manager

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