[wdmmg-dev] OpenSpending Developer Meeting - Monday 12pm UTC

Nick Stenning nick at whiteink.com
Sun Jul 10 10:50:26 UTC 2011

On 8 Jul 2011, at 12:36, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:

> My suggestion here would be that we move to have 15m standups

I'd just like to +1 on the standups. I think the OS codebase has a distinct whiff of "too many cooks" at the moment, and all of us working on it need to be singing from the same hymn sheet over the next few weeks as we work on the core architecture.

I propose, provisionally, that these standups don't even need to happen on Skype, and that we can meet for 15m on weekdays at 1700UTC on #wdmmg (irc.oftc.net). Anyone who is regularly committing should be there.

Of course, there may well be objections to this time, but we can discuss those at the Skype meeting on Mon.


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