[wdmmg-dev] Uganda data

Mark Brough mark.brough at publishwhatyoufund.org
Tue Jun 21 11:25:40 UTC 2011

Hi Martin,

Just checking in re the Uganda data. It looks like you've imported the
latest data, looking at this:

I just wanted to check that you're aware of the 500 error when you click on
Spenders or Recipients:

It looks like might be a problem with the Sandbox generally

But I saw that it was working for the CRA dataset

I'm going to Budapest tomorrow night and going straight from there to
Berlin, so I wanted to check that you didn't need any changes to the data
before then, as it will be a bit more difficult for me to work on it while
I'm there.

It looks like the Explorer has stopped working again as well:

Do you think it will be working in the next few days?


On 17 June 2011 12:16, Martin Keegan <martin.keegan at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hello again Mark,
> The link for the bubble graphs, once a dataset is loaded, is of the
> following form:
> http://sandbox.openspending.org/dataset/ugandabudget/explorer
> What's currently there reflects the small testing sample of your data, and
> the fact that the visualisation tool may be broken (I have not checked with
> a decent/recent browser, being on my netbook). We should reload with the
> full dataset. The developers who best understand the visualisations are in
> transit today, so I expect there'll be limited progress until Monday, but
> you can at least experiment with reloading, and checking different axes.
> Regards,
> Mk
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