[openspending-dev] ISO8601 date format for OpenSpending

Tryggvi Björgvinsson tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org
Mon Nov 25 12:00:36 UTC 2013

Hi Victoria,

On mán 25.nóv 2013 11:06, Victoria Vlad wrote:
> mapping: Mapping does not contain an amount measure.At least this measure
> must exist and contain the key value of this entry.
> mapping: Mapping does not contain a time dimension.The dimension must exist
> and contain a date to describe the entry.

These errors come from a similar restriction.

When you're doing the modelling have you created a "date" field with the
name "time" (it's important that it's called "time" and then you can map
it to your "Anul" field. Likewise have you created a "measure" field
with the name "amount" (it's also importatn that it's called "amount"
and then you can map it to your "Suma" field.

The reason we have to have "time" and "amount" is because OpenSpending
can then automatically compute a lot of things.

Maybe you did that. If so could you point me to the dataset you're
trying to work with so I can take a look at it myself.


Tryggvi Björgvinsson

Technical Lead, OpenSpending

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