[MyData & Open Data] UK Data sharing_ONS strand

Sally Deffor sally.deffor at okfn.org
Thu Apr 24 16:05:03 UTC 2014

Hi all,
Some of us have been participating in the UK data sharing consultative
meetings, and have agreed to feedback to the list on any interesting
updates. I attended the first meeting of the ONS strand on Wednesday ,
where the ONS (represented by James Edmonds) shared their desired outcomes
from the process, and it sounded a bit like they wanted wide powers to
access and use identified data, so the group represented there including
myself, ODI and Big Brother Watch shared our concerns as far as privacy and
management of risks are concerned.

The documents shared with us were all hardcopy, and the group is trying to
manage how these documents are shared publicly, am afraid, but I think
meeting notes will eventually be archived on the site.

It would be interesting to hear how the other strands, for example on
de-identified data come along.


*Sally DefforOpen Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
| @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 The **Open Knowledge

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