[od-discuss] v2.0dev Review Requested

Herb Lainchbury herb at dynamic-solutions.com
Wed May 7 22:05:24 UTC 2014

I have further refined the v2.0 dev file and think it's getting close to
final form.

As discussed I've removed all comments and examples and attempted to make
things clear without losing anything.  I think you should be able to look
at v1.1 and find every clause covered in v2.0dev, though in some cases in
the new "must" form rather than the v1.1 "must not" form.

You'll find it here:

I request that members of the AC review this draft and confirm that it is
at least as rigorous as v1.1 and if not, make suggestions.  We don't want
to unintentionally lose anything in the revision.

Once we're satisfied that we haven't lost anything I would suggest we test
it against existing conformant licenses and make sure we're consistent with
v1.1 in that previously approved licenses would still be approved under the
new version (or if not, be able to explain why not).

Thank you,
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