[ok-scotland] Reminder: #OpenDataEDB Informal Meetup at Cellar Monkey, Weds 25th Sept

Ewan Klein ewan.klein at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 21:00:30 UTC 2013

Following the success of the first informal pub meetup, we are going for it again! The night will remain as informal as before and will remain in the same location: The Cellar Monkey (directly beneath the Argyle Bar).

As usual, this will be a friendly and informal evening for people to get together to share and argue all areas of openness. Come and join discussions around open knowledge and open data -- from politics and philosophy to practicalities of theory and practice.  It will be an opportunity for a chat and a drink, and for reviewing our project ideas at http://okfnscot.ideascale.com.

Register here:




Ewan Klein
OKF Ambassador for Scotland
Skype:  ewan.h.klein |  @ewanhklein
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Empowering through Open Knowledge
http://scot.okfn.org/  |  @okfnscot

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