[ok-scotland] Greetings

James Baster james at jarofgreen.co.uk
Sat Jul 26 16:21:13 UTC 2014

Hello Dave (very late - sorry, have lots on!),

Pleased to hear that the council is looking at this.

I don't know if you are in touch with people at Edinburgh council but they
are very keen and recently passed an open data policy - I think that's for
the correct name for it anyway! They also will be running Edinburgh Apps in
September.   http://edinburghapps.net Anyway you might find it useful to
chat to them and swap experiences. And of course there are the people from
http://open.glasgow.gov.uk/ who it would be good to chat to. Edinburgh,
East Lothian, Clackmannanshire and Aberdeen also recently started a NESTA
programme in this area.
http://www.nesta.org.uk/webapp-developer-technologist-residence Sorry if
this is old hat ....

Also (cheekily) I do calendar software that handles events with heavy Open
Data principles - if you are interested in such data sets send me a email!

Talk soon,


 On 8 Jul 2014 10:22, "David Stafford" <staffordd at stirling.gov.uk> wrote:

>  Hello,
> My name is Dave Stafford.
> I am currently employed by Stirling Council as the Council's Data &
> Technical Standards Officer, I am in my seventh year working at Stirling.
>  My background is as a data analyst, for the past 15 years I've worked with
> enormous amounts of content, including but not limited to: finding creative
> ways to analyse, re-categorise, *cross*-categorise or re-package input
> data sets of any size or shape into outputs of any specification in any
> format.
> I have worked hard to be instrumental in raising awareness of data issues
> at the Council - it takes time to embrace change, but, good things are
> beginning to happen.  Open Data will certainly be a part of that, and I
> look forward to working on various Open Data initiatives over the coming
> months / years.  I am hoping that we can have discussions here, that will
> lead to my further enlightenment regarding the mysteries of Open Data...
> I'm happy to now be a part of OK Scotland, I am very interested in Open
> Data - I believe that Stirling is beginning to show a real interest in
> moving forward with some kind of pilot Open Data project - and I look
> forward to participating in the discourse here, as time permits, to support
> and shape the work here at the Council.
> Meanwhile - it's nice to meet you.   Please say "hello" if you have a
> second.
> Hello !
> All the very best,
> Dave Stafford
> Data & Technical Standards Officer
> Stirling Council
> Alternate Reality:
> Dave Stafford
> Owner - pureambient records
> davestafford.bandcamp.com
> www.pureambient.com
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