[open-science] Publishing curated email lists

Stacy Konkiel stacy at altmetric.com
Tue Jun 21 16:28:36 UTC 2016

Hey Josh,

I love this idea and I think it could be valuable. One thing I would
suggest is having an opt-out mechanism available for those who don't want
their email(s) shared publicly.

It may seem counter-intuitive--I think we all know that most email lists
are hardly private--but I also think that for many there's an unspoken
expectation of "this will stay on this list".

My 2c,

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Josh Nicholson <jnicholson at thewinnower.com>

> Hello!
> My name is Josh Nicholson and I am the founder of the Winnower, a
> scholarly publishing platform that provides traditional scholarly
> publishing tools (DOI, typesetting, archival, and Altmetrics) to
> non-traditional media including blogposts, reddit AMAs, class essays,
> grants, theses, reviews, responses to RFIs, lay summaries, journal clubs,
> and other new media so that it counts for the scholarly record and
> the scholar’s career.  We’ve been live for just over two years now and have
> 1220+ publications from universities around the world.
> I wanted to reach out to this group about a potential idea that I had
> regarding publishing emails—yes, emails.  Recently, I have received a
> barrage of emails on another listserv (OSI) and while they are somewhat
> annoying in the sense they clog my inbox, they are highly valuable in terms
> of content.  In short, I am interested in seeing if members of this
> listserv may wish to have their public emails curated and published on the
> Winnower in more readable publication-like format—a storify of emails, if
> you will.
> We’ve done something like this in the past with a panel talk
> https://thewinnower.com/papers/1468-when-publishers-aren-t-getting-it-done and
> I think we could do something like this going forward.
> It’s just an idea at this point but if people are interested I can go
> ahead and curate any threads they think may be interesting to show you how
> it would look.  I am open to other ideas/suggestions too!
> Would love to know your thoughts!
> Best,
> Josh
> CEO, founder, PhD
> @thewinnower <https://twitter.com/TheWinnower>
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Stacy Konkiel
Outreach & Engagement Manager at Altmetric <http://altmetric.com>
     working from enchanting New Mexico, USA
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