[wdmmg-dev] New version of the explorer using bubbletree

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jun 22 10:25:38 UTC 2011

On 22 June 2011 11:11, Gregor Aisch <gka at vis4.net> wrote:
> Am 22.06.2011 um 11:36 schrieb Rufus Pollock:
> Moving on-list ...
> On 22 June 2011 10:33, Gregor Aisch <gka at vis4.net> wrote:
> Hi Rufus,
> I'm absolutely fine with your refactoring suggestions. Will refactor the
> examples and throw out the unnecessary stuff once you're finished with the
> /lib/aggregator.js, ok?
> I wanted *you* to factor stuff out into lib/aggregate.js since you
> know where the code is in bubbletree that calls out to the aggregator
> and then converts to tree format ...
> Aye aye, sir.

:-) Sorry, meant as a suggestion :-)

> Btw, it would be super-great if we could move any decisions on where to put
> what code to an earlier point in the development. Learning from that, I
> won't start writing any code for the Compare-O-Tron stuff until we made all
> decisions on the general application structure.

I agree. I always thought the aggregate wrapper would go in lib since
this was generic. Also refactoring is a natural part of development



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