[kforge-dev] activity on kforge hotting up

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftwarefoundation.org
Wed Apr 20 12:17:38 UTC 2005

Hi Rufus,

> Thanks for introducing yourself John.

No trouble ;-)

>> There is a growing number of project resources. I'm maintaining my 
>> own (temporary) summary list on this page:
>> http://appropriatesoftware.net/wiki?KnowledgeForge
> This is great. One idea though: would it be better to have personal 
> pages on the main wiki (e.g. JohnBywater etc) as this allows all the 
> info to stay integrated in one main place (easy linking to other pages 
> that won't break if the wiki moves location ....).

Yes, of course we can do that.


But it's also useful to have in-bound links from other domains. ;-)



> Regards,
> Rufus

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